The more you play, the more money you can win with Level Up Weekends. Drawings are held every Friday and Saturday and the more points you earned that month, the more money you can win in the drawings. Drawings are held every thirty minutes from 5:30p-10p. Amounts are determined by the level of points earned by winner during the week (beginning at 7am Sunday, to the time of the drawing). Prize levels: 0-100pts, $50; 101-500pts, $100; 501-1000pts, $200; 1001pts+, $300. PLUS if you’re the highest base point earner of the week, you’ll win $1,000 Free Play!


One winner per drawing, winners cannot win consecutively.


*Must play with your Clubhouse Card. Receive one free entry for carding into your favorite machine once a day. Receive one additional entry from every 100 points earned or redeemed throughout the qualifying period. Multiple entries are encouraged. A single-entry qualification enters you into the daily, weekend, and monthly drawings. All monetary prizes are Free Play, unless indicated otherwise. Daily entries qualify for the corresponding weekend and monthly drawings. Easy Street drawings are limited and no consecutive wins. Management reserves all rights.